UCMAS Success Stories-Our Students and Parents Reviews SiteLock

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summer workshop 2024
Parents Reviews

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What Parents Say

Our daughter has been attending this outstanding program for the last one and a half years. She has built comfort, speed, accuracy, and confidence with big and small numbers. She uses all mixed operational signs in a jiffy and leaves her teachers and classmates in awe. We highly recommend this program, and encourage parents to give their children an opportunity to work wonders with numbers in this technology-based world.

Dorothy D’Souza, Mississauga, ON

I can see eagerness (in my son, Aravind) to find out how to solve more complex sums since Aravind has already done the basics in traditional method. Aravind has been in this program (for just) 3 weeks and I can (already) see that he has improved his editing and rechecking ability and his accuracy has improved. I believe that the ability to solve problems with speed and accuracy is key to improving skills in all the areas that need thinking and applying the concepts to all areas – not only academic – in music and sports too!

Jyoti Iyengar, Brampton, ON

With the UCMAS training, there are great differences in my son’s level of concentration, speed, accuracy and memory. His ability to remember concepts and work independently have increased marvelously. And we have certainly seen great improvement in his math skills.

N. Gnanaruby, Markham, ON

When asked as to whether they are satisfied with the UCMAS program, the proud parents said, “We are overwhelmed by what this program has done to Queenny (our daughter). She’s only in her 2nd lesson and we can tell that there’s a very promising future for her in math. UCMAS has finally caught her attention & eagerness. She can now solve up to 3 numbers mentally and do oral sums while lying in bed – and Queenny is just in Grade 1!” When asked whether UCMAS has specifically helped their daughter’s learning capacity, they said that “Before (joining UCMAS) our daughter could not concentrate for a few minutes when we were giving her a simple math problem and she seemed uninterested in figures.” Finally this is what they had to tell UCMAS Canada, “Keep up the good work! We salute you guys!”

Claro & Evelyn Bombase, Brampton, ON

We’re very confident and satisfied with the UCMAS Mental Math program. We see the eagerness our two boys have shown when it comes to schoolwork and other activities. The program helps my children (stay) engaged in their activities and helps them in improving their capabilities in everyday situations in useful ways, and not just related to Mathematics. So, we as parents, encourage everyone, to take this opportunity – your children are going to love this…think UCMAS…there’s so much to learn here.

D. Pascual, Oakville, ON
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