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summer workshop 2024
Unlocking Potential: The UCMAS Approach to Mental Math and Beyond
Unlocking Potential: The UCMAS Approach to Mental Math and Beyond
In today's competitive academic landscape, parents constantly seek ways to give their children an edge. For Samiha Hussain, a dedicated mother of two, the answer came in the form of UCMAS (Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System), a program making...
Posted in: Mathematics UCMAS
7 Tips to Get Ahead of The First Day of School Stress
Here it comes! Summer’s almost done, and it’s time to go back to school. The first day of school is a significant milestone for both children and parents. It marks the beginning of a new chapter filled with learning, growth,...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
Boost Your Child’s EQAO Scores With These Expert Tips
What is EQAO? Let’s get straight to answering the burning question. The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) test is a standard assessment administered in Ontario, Canada. It is designed to evaluate students' reading, writing, and mathematics proficiency. The primary...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
How to Get Children to Love Math?
Let’s be honest parents, math is not everyone’s cup of tea. Very few of us can say they thoroughly enjoyed math in school and our children might be the same. Although it has immense academic and functional value, learning math...
Posted in: Mathematics
Success Beyond Numbers: UCMAS Students Leading the Way
We just concluded hosting Canada’s Largest Mental Math Competition, where our students once again exceeded all expectations by solving 100-200 questions in just 8 minutes! Since 2004, this competition has been an integral part of UCMAS Canada's culture, significantly impacting...
Posted in: UCMAS
Summertime Shenanigans! Top 5 Activities for a Gadget-Free Summer.
Summer is a magical time for kids – sunny mornings of endless possibilities, adventures, and the great outdoors. Yet, it can be challenging in today's digital age to pry children away from screens and encourage them to enjoy the world...
Posted in: Child Development
20 years of Empowering Young Minds
UCMAS - an innovative Abacus-based Mental Math program - was founded thirty years ago, by Prof. Dr. Dino Wong in Malaysia, with a bold vision to redefine education and equip students with invaluable skills for a lifetime. From modest beginnings...
Posted in: UCMAS
Here’s What Your Child Is Missing Out On The Secret Power of Music!
Did you ever see little children dance? They know nothing about music or dance, yet they try to stomp their feet or move their hips to music. That’s what music is, a universal language, a mode of expression, where you...
Posted in: Child Development
From Abacus to Robotics: Combat Summer Slide with UCMAS Summer Camp
It’s getting warmer, isn’t it? Summer is not that far away and while our kids will be all excited and ready for summer, we parents and educators will be discussing the dreaded summer slide. Not the best discussion we want...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
Unleash Passion, Profit, and Pride: The UCMAS Franchise Success Formula
If you're on the hunt for the ultimate franchise opportunity, delve into the world of education franchising with UCMAS. Unlike food or retail, education franchises offer a unique avenue for long-term success. Envision stepping into a bustling UCMAS center, pulsating...
Posted in: Franchise
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