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summer workshop 2024
Summertime Shenanigans! Top 5 Activities for a Gadget-Free Summer.
Summertime Shenanigans! Top 5 Activities for a Gadget-Free Summer.
Summer is a magical time for kids – sunny mornings of endless possibilities, adventures, and the great outdoors. Yet, it can be challenging in today's digital age to pry children away from screens and encourage them to enjoy the world...
Posted in: Child Development
Here’s What Your Child Is Missing Out On The Secret Power of Music!
Did you ever see little children dance? They know nothing about music or dance, yet they try to stomp their feet or move their hips to music. That’s what music is, a universal language, a mode of expression, where you...
Posted in: Child Development
From Abacus to Robotics: Combat Summer Slide with UCMAS Summer Camp
It’s getting warmer, isn’t it? Summer is not that far away and while our kids will be all excited and ready for summer, we parents and educators will be discussing the dreaded summer slide. Not the best discussion we want...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
Enhancing the Whole Brain Development of Children with the Abacus 6 – Finger Technique!
“UCMAS has always led the way in researching and advancing Abacus Math Calculation Techniques. The program was founded by Prof. Dr. Dino Wong, who holds a PhD in this field and stands out for its strong scientific foundation. The continuous...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
Visual, Auditory & Kinaesthetic: Understanding Learning Style for your child.
In the world of education and learning, one size never fits all. Every child possesses individual learning styles, preferences, and strengths. Recognizing and nurturing these individual differences is the cornerstone of effective education. As parents and educators, we strive to...
Posted in: Child Development
5 Ways to Ignite Your Child’s Concentration Power
Concentrate! Focus! Is this what you keep telling your child? Saying these words out may be easy, but, what do they mean to your child? Is it easy for them to act on those words?  These are a few questions...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
Math Camp for Kids: An opportunity to make this springtime break unforgettable!
Here comes the spring! Everyone is ready for a perfect spring break, dreaming of sunshine, relaxation, and a memorable time with the family. While beachside lounging or exploring new holiday destinations might be on your agenda, here’s a proposal for...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
The Power of Abacus Learning and Brain Development Games for Children
In the fast-paced world of today, nurturing a child's cognitive abilities is important. As parents and educators strive to provide the best tools for a child's intellectual growth, there's a rising awareness about the importance of holistic brain development. In...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
Why All Parents Should Embrace Abacus Learning for Children
Mathematics is often regarded as a challenging subject by many children and their parents. But have you ever wondered why some students exhibit a lack of interest in this particular subject? In every classroom, there are inevitably a few students...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
Unlocking the Power of Early Learning for a Successful Back-to-School Season
As the summer draws to a close, the excitement of a new school year approaches, and parents and children alike are preparing for the back-to-school season. For parents of young learners, it is a crucial time to set the foundation...
Posted in: Child Development Mathematics
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