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Surprising Ways Math can Help Your Kids | UCMAS Canada

Know what the benefits of learning mental math for kids are. Blog by UCMAS Canada – Abacus-based mental math after school program.

While it may be easier for a small group of children to perform Math calculations confidently, most of the children find it very difficult. After school programs offering Abacus mental math course is one of the best ways to improve the arithmetic skills of a child. It helps a child to develop an interest in Math from an early age itself.

Abacus for kids has made it easy to calculate arithmetic operations. Children use their hands and Abacus make calculations. The movement involving the use of fingers allow children to stimulate several parts of the brain. As a result, children can complete calculations more accurately and quickly. The Abacus for kids program thus promotes a stress-free process of learning.

Studies have been carried out to unveil the major benefits of Abacus math programs for kids

1. Creativity

The left hemisphere of the brain provides analytical information. It controls calculation, writing, reading and even logical thinking. The right hemisphere of the brain controls creativity and artistic sense. The continuous use of Abacus helps children to develop the right side of the brain that fosters creativity and visualization skills in children and thus contributes to the holistic brain development.

2. Confidence

Abacus based learning process strengthens Math concepts of children who, therefore, are able to perform each calculation with confidence. When a child’s fear of Math subject fades away, he or she starts developing an interest in the subject. After a child realizes the fact that Abacus has transformed the rigorous process of learning into an innovative one, he or she will start dealing with other subjects more confidently.

Research has also revealed that academic scores of Abacus students are higher. With enhanced confidence level, children act proactively when it comes to taking advantage of various opportunities or simply participating in competitions. Thus, children who use mental Abacus have shown remarkable progress. This progress has extended beyond mathematics. They have a great sense of self-worth and confidence.

3. Logical Thinking

After a period of time, children recall the image of Abacus; they carry out mental calculations without any pen, paper or calculator. As children arrive at a solution, they begin applying logic keeping in mind the movement of the beads. Thus consistent use of Abacus learning helps to develop logic. According to research, Abacus helps to activate the left hemisphere of the brain that controls logical thinking and calculations.

Thus, the benefits of the Abacus-based brain development program go beyond Mathematics. It cultivates essential skills and abilities in Generation

Let your child join the best Abacus brain development program in Canada and initiate the process of getting transformed into a person who is ready to live a life of success and contentment, and also serve his or her part for the betterment of the World.

Call: 1877-UCMAS-90 for more information on UCMAS and discover how it will help your child!

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