Are You Happy & Satisfied with Your Present Professional Career? - UCMAS Canada SiteLock

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Are You Happy & Satisfied with Your Present Professional Career?

Know how UCMAS education franchise can help you develop a happy and rewarding professional career. UCMAS is considered as a top franchise opportunity in Canada.

The outbreak of Covid-19 has brought a new normal in our lives for time-being. While we are staying indoors with our loved ones, it has given us an amazing opportunity to sit back and think where we are heading in our professional lives. Is the path deviating from what you always wanted to be or you are exactly where you want to be. Read below and check out.

1)Let’s time travel!

While you sit back in the comfiest pajamas sipping your favorite coffee, imagine yourself as the most successful and accomplished future self in the next 20 years. Jot down your thoughts. Now travel back in reverse 10 years. To achieve your goal at 20 years, think where you should be at 10 years time. Continue jotting your thoughts. Similarly, go back 5 years, 2 and a half years and one year from today.

You may want to own your private yacht and sail in the Caribbean islands. That’s a goal. But to achieve that, break down your goals vis-à-vis years and have it marked in stone what you need to accomplish after a year, 2.5 years and till 20 years.

It might sound obsessive and too-much planning at this point surely. But the idea is to get into a habit of translating your future goals, no matter how far, into small actionable items you can today that gets you closer. It is about propelling in the right direction with the right efforts at the right time.

2)Ask yourself – ‘Who am I?

No, we are not asking you your name, place of birth, the job you do, the roles you play in life. In 5 minutes, without thinking about where you are from, what you do or the different responsibilities you have in life, simply write or record who you are.

It can be an emotion, idea or any futuristic vision. People who have tried this exercise say that it looks simple, but no easy, real and quick answers pop up. And that’s where the magic happens.

This exercise helps you reconnect with your innermost sense of self. Possibly, it may not be remotely connected with your work. It all depends on your character, values, and understanding of success and life. This exercise might take time, but once you start figuring out yourself, you will also think about the ways you can do to realize the true purpose of your life. Enlightening, isn’t it?

Now that we have given you excellent two ways to envision your future career and purpose of life, we would like to present to you UCMAS – one of the top franchise opportunities in Canada. It gives you the platform to start your own education franchise and become a proud and independent business owner of a training centre.

Here’s what the UCMAS franchise will help you achieve.

  1. Serve the community
  2. Build a better future by empowering children
  3. Help children realize their true potential
  4. Leadership experience
  5. Become a job-creator
  6. Have your independent business
  7. Work with an international brand
  8. Participate in exciting global events
  9. Meet like-minded people
  10. Sense of pride and fulfillment

If the above list rings a bell in your heart, please give a ring to 1877-UCMAS-90 and let’s talk about your future professional plan as a potential & proud UCMAS education franchise owner. UCMAS is among the top franchise in Canada with great accreditations, awards and international records.

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