Do You Know How Adversely Impactful Summer Slide Can Be? - UCMAS Canada SiteLock

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Do You Know How Adversely Impactful Summer Slide Can Be?

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As summer steps in, children start getting up late each day. Though it is a relief for parents and children as there are no school sessions, many children are not engaged into learning activities and hence tend to forget academic material. Summer Slide simply means negative consequences which stem from children who are out of school for prolonged period.  So, the break from homework and school sessions comes at a price when a child receives close to nothing of academic value during summer and most importantly, loses a lot of academic skills. In fact, according to a survey, kids may lose as many as two to three months of reading and math skills during the summer. Isn’t the data surprising thereby adding to the apprehension of parents?

Expert Tips To Prevent Brain Drain – Must Read!

Engage – Children can be engaged in learning disguised as fun through effective brain development programs, designed by child development experts and offered by some reputable summer camps. The programs aim at creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment to activate various components of the child’s brain.

Ask for preferences – Certainly, children’s interests have always been priorities for parents. Child must be involved into candid communication that reveals his interests and preferences which have the potential to strengthen learning abilities, concepts, cognitive skills, determination and concentration.

Let them build new skills and interest – Much to the surprise of researchers, several kids are unexpectedly smart at memorizing everything from history, math formulas to scientific principles. If you have observed even a minor sign of lack of memorization skills, you need to look for reliable ways to build these skill sets through some professional child development programs which can make kids stronger in all areas from Mathematics, to English and even Art. In fact, introducing something new and helping your kid find a new passion too is a great idea. It doesn’t leave any room for boredom. Think about it….

Child who reads is a child who thinks – To maintain a stream of educational activities, read something every day to your child. Let your child pick a book that interests him the most. Reading is a graceful way of exploring a totally new world that stimulates imaginative faculties.

A highly feasible way to overcome Summer Slide is to get your child enrolled into the UCMAS Summer Camp, exclusively designed to engage child in fun-learning and brain-storming activities. Choosing subjects which children should learn is a second thought; the methods through which they must learn is what has appealed to the researchers in recent years. The UCMAS approach establishes foundational building blocks like creativity, concentration and problem solving – skills that pave way for success.

Explore the world of abacus math, robotics, riddles and puzzles with UCMAS Summer Camp!

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