25 Reasons Why You Should be Proud to be Canadian!! - UCMAS Canada SiteLock

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25 Reasons Why You Should be Proud to be Canadian!!

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Canada, we are head-over-heels in love with you! You’re our home, our nation and we are super-duper proud to be called Canadians. You help us imbibe and exercise values that truly make us warm, hospitable and loving. While we chart out reasons on why one should be proud being a Canadian, here’s a little story!

“While wearing a shirt that said ‘Canada’ in a McDonalds in Berlin, a lady came up to me and asked if I was Canadian. After saying I was, she asked if I could look after her CHILD while she went to stand in line. When she saw the look of confusion she simply said, ‘You’re Canadian, I know I can trust you.’

Isn’t that amazing? Being Canadian and universally liked & loved is a great feeling. Here are 25 reasons on what makes being a Canadian, a truly special feeling.

1. We are very accepting and polite.
2. We have great healthcare system
3. Our diverse & inclusive culture
4. We value our education
5. Amazing Natural landscapes
6. Extraordinary wildlife
7. Home to the most incredible skiing
8. Maple syrup is ours
9. We gave the World two celebrity Ryans
10. We are all for peace
11. Cool & awesome leaders run our country
12. Toronto Raptors & Toronto Blue Jays
13. We’re happily bilingual
14. Justin Bieber is from Canada
15. Universally known for being sweet as pie
16. A Canadian invented telephone
17. Our currency is colorful and waterproof
18. We say sorry too much, which is not a bad thing
19. Wherever in the world we go, we’re loved
20. Superman is Canadian.
21. Hockey & basketball were invented by Canadians
22. 6th Happiest country in the World
23. 3rd Best country to raise kids
24. Our country is safe for all

On this Canada Day, UCMAS Canada celebrates the heartwarming spirit of this amazing nation.


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