Amarajith Balasubramaniam, Scarborough, ON - UCMAS Canada SiteLock

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summer workshop 2024
Amarajith Balasubramaniam, Scarborough, ON

Amarajith Balasubramaniam, Scarborough, ON

I was a part of one of the first classes of UCMAS. I started at the age of 13 and now you won’t believe it but I am 21. Before I started UCMAS I wasn’t very fond of math at all and I thought it was boring and tedious. After I started and progressed through UCMAS I enjoyed math much more and through high school I excelled in math. Now I am studying Actuarial Science (a math-based program) at the University of Waterloo. So you know I love math. And mental math actually becomes useful in everyday tasks. I am currently on co-op working with American Express and I use mental math to keep track of numbers for analysis work. Even at University, calculating the average in statistics I don’t use the calculator, I use mental math. UCMAS didn’t just help me in math alone but it helped me manage my time. I had to make sure to keep up with the other students, I had less time because I was older, I worked, I was involved in many school teams and obviously homework from school. UCMAS showed me that dedication will get you through anything. UCMAS has helped in many ways but those were just a couple that stuck out in my mind. 

I would like to thank my instructors and centre managers, Anton, Lucia, and Suren, for pushing me through and motivating me. I would also like to thank everyone who worked to bring UCMAS to Ontario. All in all UCMAS was an amazing experience and it changed my view on mathematics.
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