Rosemarie & Paul Calder, Oakville, ON - UCMAS Canada SiteLock

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summer workshop 2024
Rosemarie & Paul Calder, Oakville, ON

Rosemarie & Paul Calder, Oakville, ON

Our family has been very pleased with the UCMAS program and we wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it to other parents considering additional math instruction to complement their children’s in-school programs. It has helped our children’s concentration, cognitive ability and confidence. We have seen demonstrable improvement in their math results at school. The high calibre of children attending the school has caused our children to raise their effort level but in a healthy form of competition. What differentiates this program from others is the phenomenal teachers….they are simply outstanding! They have the children’s best interest at heart and they recognize that every child learns differently and at varying paces. To accommodate their needs, these teachers adjust their teaching methods and techniques to each child’s individual learning style. Most importantly, they make the classes fun and entertaining. UCMAS is more than a mental math class, UCMAS is the foundation of learning. We truly believe that the skills our children have acquired from this comprehensive program have enriched their education and will be beneficial for their learning skills as they continue their schooling.
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