Help Your Child Bid Adieu to their Math Fear with the UCMAS Program - UCMAS Canada SiteLock

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Help Your Child Bid Adieu to their Math Fear with the UCMAS Program

Most of us dread hearing or coming across anything that is related to math or numbers, and naturally so do children. But whether you like it or not, math is omnipresent and utterly significant. From our everyday lives to scientific and technological discoveries, math is the foundation of everything around us.

One cannot imagine life without math, so it’s better to come to terms with the fear and accept the subject’s importance. Math anxiety and its more severe forms such as math phobia have kept many students from opting for challenging disciplines where math plays a fundamental role. If your children are afraid of or dislike math, this blog will throw light on how to cope up with that fear and develop a liking for the subject.

Recognize and Address the Problem

Hearing your child say ‘I can’t do math’ or making excuses to avoid the subject, can be early signs of math anxiety. To address this problem, you must talk about the significance of the subject and teach children to have fun with numbers. Parents can even talk to the tutors and help children understand the basic concepts of math, to simplify the process.

Help Them Do Mental Math Calculations in Everyday Life

Go beyond the books and find a way to use numbers and calculations with your children in everyday life. Mental math programs and abacus for kids  will help your children take an interest in the subject. You can take your children grocery shopping and let them try to beat the shop-keeper in calculating the cost of your purchases, make them keep a score of soccer matches, calculate the time they will take to reach school, etc.

Regular exposure to such things can make understanding statistics simpler in future.

Positive Encouragement

People believe that only some children have the ability to be good at math, which is nothing but a myth. This theory’s even knocked down by research, but many teachers still believe it.

Instead of being negative when the children get something wrong, talk about the problems with them and emphasize the aspects that they got correct. Positive encouragement is a great way to help children overcome their math phobia.

Make Math Fun

In math, the ability to play around with numbers is vital for math as well as real-life. Playing games that are numbers oriented is an excellent way to make math fun. Whether its old

school card and board games or multiple puzzles found online, these games help to ease out the complications and make math concepts easier to understand.

While this activity may seem less educational, they will still be effective for your child’s learning as they arouse an interest in the subject – which is the first step towards independent and active learning. Ghostwriter diplomarbeit investigated a child’s behavior during a math game. It turned out that the game helps to engage the child. Thanks to the learning task clothed in a game form (game plan), game actions and rules the child unintentionally learns a certain “portion” of cognitive content.

Build Confidence

If your child has always done badly in math, then it is natural for them to dislike the subject. As parents, you have to identify the weak areas and simplify it for them. You can also give them incentives for every equation solved correctly to motivate them further.

Every successful calculation will build their confidence further and encourage their liking for the subject.

Thus, it’s an established fact that being skillful, or at least, competent in math is necessary to survive in modern life. Its better if we start helping children with math in their early years since it is scientifically proven that 75% of the brain develops most rapidly in the first few years of a child’s life.

So, why not start now and bring out the genius in your child with UCMAS?

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